2024-09-05 10:53:29 -06:00

961 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// maintainAssets is a permanently-blocking function
// that loops indefinitely and, on a regular schedule, checks
// certificates for expiration and initiates a renewal of certs
// that are expiring soon. It also updates OCSP stapling. It
// should only be called once per cache. Panics are recovered,
// and if panicCount < 10, the function is called recursively,
// incrementing panicCount each time. Initial invocation should
// start panicCount at 0.
func (certCache *Cache) maintainAssets(panicCount int) {
log := certCache.logger.Named("maintenance")
log = log.With(zap.String("cache", fmt.Sprintf("%p", certCache)))
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
buf := make([]byte, stackTraceBufferSize)
buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
log.Error("panic", zap.Any("error", err), zap.ByteString("stack", buf))
if panicCount < 10 {
certCache.maintainAssets(panicCount + 1)
renewalTicker := time.NewTicker(certCache.options.RenewCheckInterval)
ocspTicker := time.NewTicker(certCache.options.OCSPCheckInterval)
log.Info("started background certificate maintenance")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
for {
select {
case <-renewalTicker.C:
err := certCache.RenewManagedCertificates(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("renewing managed certificates", zap.Error(err))
case <-ocspTicker.C:
case <-certCache.stopChan:
log.Info("stopped background certificate maintenance")
// RenewManagedCertificates renews managed certificates,
// including ones loaded on-demand. Note that this is done
// automatically on a regular basis; normally you will not
// need to call this. This method assumes non-interactive
// mode (i.e. operating in the background).
func (certCache *Cache) RenewManagedCertificates(ctx context.Context) error {
log := certCache.logger.Named("maintenance")
// configs will hold a map of certificate hash to the config
// to use when managing that certificate
configs := make(map[string]*Config)
// we use the queues for a very important reason: to do any and all
// operations that could require an exclusive write lock outside
// of the read lock! otherwise we get a deadlock, yikes. in other
// words, our first iteration through the certificate cache does NOT
// perform any operations--only queues them--so that more fine-grained
// write locks may be obtained during the actual operations.
var renewQueue, reloadQueue, deleteQueue, ariQueue certList
for certKey, cert := range certCache.cache {
if !cert.managed {
// the list of names on this cert should never be empty... programmer error?
if cert.Names == nil || len(cert.Names) == 0 {
log.Warn("certificate has no names; removing from cache", zap.String("cert_key", certKey))
deleteQueue = append(deleteQueue, cert)
// get the config associated with this certificate
cfg, err := certCache.getConfig(cert)
if err != nil {
log.Error("unable to get configuration to manage certificate; unable to renew",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
if cfg == nil {
// this is bad if this happens, probably a programmer error (oops)
log.Error("no configuration associated with certificate; unable to manage",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names))
if cfg.OnDemand != nil {
// ACME-specific: see if if ACME Renewal Info (ARI) window needs refreshing
if !cfg.DisableARI && cert.ari.NeedsRefresh() {
configs[cert.hash] = cfg
ariQueue = append(ariQueue, cert)
// if time is up or expires soon, we need to try to renew it
if cert.NeedsRenewal(cfg) {
configs[cert.hash] = cfg
// see if the certificate in storage has already been renewed, possibly by another
// instance that didn't coordinate with this one; if so, just load it (this
// might happen if another instance already renewed it - kinda sloppy but checking disk
// first is a simple way to possibly drastically reduce rate limit problems)
storedCertNeedsRenew, err := cfg.managedCertInStorageNeedsRenewal(ctx, cert)
if err != nil {
// hmm, weird, but not a big deal, maybe it was deleted or something
log.Warn("error while checking if stored certificate is also expiring soon",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
} else if !storedCertNeedsRenew {
// if the certificate does NOT need renewal and there was no error, then we
// are good to just reload the certificate from storage instead of repeating
// a likely-unnecessary renewal procedure
reloadQueue = append(reloadQueue, cert)
// the certificate in storage has not been renewed yet, so we will do it
// NOTE: It is super-important to note that the TLS-ALPN challenge requires
// a write lock on the cache in order to complete its challenge, so it is extra
// vital that this renew operation does not happen inside our read lock!
// Update ARI, and then for any certs where the ARI window changed,
// be sure to queue them for renewal if necessary
for _, cert := range ariQueue {
cfg := configs[cert.hash]
cert, changed, err := cfg.updateARI(ctx, cert, log)
if err != nil {
log.Error("updating ARI", zap.Error(err))
if changed && cert.NeedsRenewal(cfg) {
// it's theoretically possible that another instance already got the memo
// on the changed ARI and even renewed the cert already, and thus doing it
// here is wasteful, but I have never heard of this happening in reality,
// so to save some cycles for now I think we'll just queue it for renewal
// (notice how we use 'insert' to avoid duplicates, in case it was already
// scheduled for renewal anyway)
// Reload certificates that merely need to be updated in memory
for _, oldCert := range reloadQueue {
timeLeft := expiresAt(oldCert.Leaf).Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Info("certificate expires soon, but is already renewed in storage; reloading stored certificate",
zap.Strings("identifiers", oldCert.Names),
zap.Duration("remaining", timeLeft))
cfg := configs[oldCert.hash]
// crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on the certCache
_, err := cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(ctx, oldCert)
if err != nil {
log.Error("loading renewed certificate",
zap.Strings("identifiers", oldCert.Names),
// Renewal queue
for _, oldCert := range renewQueue {
cfg := configs[oldCert.hash]
err := certCache.queueRenewalTask(ctx, oldCert, cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Error("queueing renewal task",
zap.Strings("identifiers", oldCert.Names),
// Deletion queue
for _, cert := range deleteQueue {
return nil
func (certCache *Cache) queueRenewalTask(ctx context.Context, oldCert Certificate, cfg *Config) error {
log := certCache.logger.Named("maintenance")
timeLeft := expiresAt(oldCert.Leaf).Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Info("certificate expires soon; queuing for renewal",
zap.Strings("identifiers", oldCert.Names),
zap.Duration("remaining", timeLeft))
// Get the name which we should use to renew this certificate;
// we only support managing certificates with one name per cert,
// so this should be easy.
renewName := oldCert.Names[0]
// queue up this renewal job (is a no-op if already active or queued)
jm.Submit(cfg.Logger, "renew_"+renewName, func() error {
timeLeft := expiresAt(oldCert.Leaf).Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Info("attempting certificate renewal",
zap.Strings("identifiers", oldCert.Names),
zap.Duration("remaining", timeLeft))
// perform renewal - crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on certCache
err := cfg.RenewCertAsync(ctx, renewName, false)
if err != nil {
if cfg.OnDemand != nil {
// loaded dynamically, remove dynamically
return fmt.Errorf("%v %v", oldCert.Names, err)
// successful renewal, so update in-memory cache by loading
// renewed certificate so it will be used with handshakes
_, err = cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(ctx, oldCert)
if err != nil {
return ErrNoRetry{fmt.Errorf("%v %v", oldCert.Names, err)}
return nil
return nil
// updateOCSPStaples updates the OCSP stapling in all
// eligible, cached certificates.
// OCSP maintenance strives to abide the relevant points on
// Ryan Sleevi's recommendations for good OCSP support:
// https://gist.github.com/sleevi/5efe9ef98961ecfb4da8
func (certCache *Cache) updateOCSPStaples(ctx context.Context) {
logger := certCache.logger.Named("maintenance")
// temporary structures to store updates or tasks
// so that we can keep our locks short-lived
type ocspUpdate struct {
rawBytes []byte
parsed *ocsp.Response
type updateQueueEntry struct {
cert Certificate
certHash string
lastNextUpdate time.Time
cfg *Config
type renewQueueEntry struct {
oldCert Certificate
cfg *Config
updated := make(map[string]ocspUpdate)
var updateQueue []updateQueueEntry // certs that need a refreshed staple
var renewQueue []renewQueueEntry // certs that need to be renewed (due to revocation)
// obtain brief read lock during our scan to see which staples need updating
for certHash, cert := range certCache.cache {
// no point in updating OCSP for expired or "synthetic" certificates
if cert.Leaf == nil || cert.Expired() {
cfg, err := certCache.getConfig(cert)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("unable to get automation config for certificate; maintenance for this certificate will likely fail",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
// always try to replace revoked certificates, even if OCSP response is still fresh
if certShouldBeForceRenewed(cert) {
renewQueue = append(renewQueue, renewQueueEntry{
oldCert: cert,
cfg: cfg,
// if the status is not fresh, get a new one
var lastNextUpdate time.Time
if cert.ocsp != nil {
lastNextUpdate = cert.ocsp.NextUpdate
if cert.ocsp.Status != ocsp.Unknown && freshOCSP(cert.ocsp) {
// no need to update our staple if still fresh and not Unknown
updateQueue = append(updateQueue, updateQueueEntry{cert, certHash, lastNextUpdate, cfg})
// perform updates outside of any lock on certCache
for _, qe := range updateQueue {
cert := qe.cert
certHash := qe.certHash
lastNextUpdate := qe.lastNextUpdate
if qe.cfg == nil {
// this is bad if this happens, probably a programmer error (oops)
logger.Error("no configuration associated with certificate; unable to manage OCSP staples",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names))
err := stapleOCSP(ctx, qe.cfg.OCSP, qe.cfg.Storage, &cert, nil)
if err != nil {
if cert.ocsp != nil {
// if there was no staple before, that's fine; otherwise we should log the error
logger.Error("stapling OCSP",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
// By this point, we've obtained the latest OCSP response.
// If there was no staple before, or if the response is updated, make
// sure we apply the update to all names on the certificate if
// the status is still Good.
if cert.ocsp != nil && cert.ocsp.Status == ocsp.Good && (lastNextUpdate.IsZero() || lastNextUpdate != cert.ocsp.NextUpdate) {
logger.Info("advancing OCSP staple",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.Time("from", lastNextUpdate),
zap.Time("to", cert.ocsp.NextUpdate))
updated[certHash] = ocspUpdate{rawBytes: cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple, parsed: cert.ocsp}
// If the updated staple shows that the certificate was revoked, we should immediately renew it
if certShouldBeForceRenewed(cert) {
qe.cfg.emit(ctx, "cert_ocsp_revoked", map[string]any{
"subjects": cert.Names,
"certificate": cert,
"reason": cert.ocsp.RevocationReason,
"revoked_at": cert.ocsp.RevokedAt,
renewQueue = append(renewQueue, renewQueueEntry{
oldCert: cert,
cfg: qe.cfg,
// These write locks should be brief since we have all the info we need now.
for certKey, update := range updated {
if cert, ok := certCache.cache[certKey]; ok {
cert.ocsp = update.parsed
cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple = update.rawBytes
certCache.cache[certKey] = cert
// We attempt to replace any certificates that were revoked.
// Crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on the certCache.
for _, renew := range renewQueue {
_, err := renew.cfg.forceRenew(ctx, logger, renew.oldCert)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("forcefully renewing certificate due to REVOKED status",
zap.Strings("identifiers", renew.oldCert.Names),
// storageHasNewerARI returns true if the configured storage has ARI that is newer
// than that of a certificate that is already loaded, along with the value from
// storage.
func (cfg *Config) storageHasNewerARI(ctx context.Context, cert Certificate) (bool, acme.RenewalInfo, error) {
storedCertData, err := cfg.loadStoredACMECertificateMetadata(ctx, cert)
if err != nil || storedCertData.RenewalInfo == nil {
return false, acme.RenewalInfo{}, err
// prefer stored info if it has a window and the loaded one doesn't,
// or if the one in storage has a later RetryAfter (though I suppose
// it's not guaranteed, typically those will move forward in time)
if (!cert.ari.HasWindow() && storedCertData.RenewalInfo.HasWindow()) ||
(cert.ari.RetryAfter == nil || storedCertData.RenewalInfo.RetryAfter.After(*cert.ari.RetryAfter)) {
return true, *storedCertData.RenewalInfo, nil
return false, acme.RenewalInfo{}, nil
// loadStoredACMECertificateMetadata loads the stored ACME certificate data
// from the cert's sidecar JSON file.
func (cfg *Config) loadStoredACMECertificateMetadata(ctx context.Context, cert Certificate) (acme.Certificate, error) {
metaBytes, err := cfg.Storage.Load(ctx, StorageKeys.SiteMeta(cert.issuerKey, cert.Names[0]))
if err != nil {
return acme.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("loading cert metadata: %w", err)
var certRes CertificateResource
if err = json.Unmarshal(metaBytes, &certRes); err != nil {
return acme.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling cert metadata: %w", err)
var acmeCert acme.Certificate
if err = json.Unmarshal(certRes.IssuerData, &acmeCert); err != nil {
return acme.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling potential ACME issuer metadata: %v", err)
return acmeCert, nil
// updateARI updates the cert's ACME renewal info, first by checking storage for a newer
// one, or getting it from the CA if needed. The updated info is stored in storage and
// updated in the cache. The certificate with the updated ARI is returned. If true is
// returned, the ARI window or selected time has changed, and the caller should check if
// the cert needs to be renewed now, even if there is an error.
// This will always try to ARI without checking if it needs to be refreshed. Call
// NeedsRefresh() on the RenewalInfo first, and only call this if that returns true.
func (cfg *Config) updateARI(ctx context.Context, cert Certificate, logger *zap.Logger) (updatedCert Certificate, changed bool, err error) {
logger = logger.With(
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.String("cert_hash", cert.hash),
zap.String("ari_unique_id", cert.ari.UniqueIdentifier),
zap.Time("cert_expiry", cert.Leaf.NotAfter))
updatedCert = cert
oldARI := cert.ari
// synchronize ARI fetching; see #297
lockName := "ari_" + cert.ari.UniqueIdentifier
if err := acquireLock(ctx, cfg.Storage, lockName); err != nil {
return cert, false, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain ARI lock: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := releaseLock(ctx, cfg.Storage, lockName); err != nil {
logger.Error("unable to release ARI lock", zap.Error(err))
// see if the stored value has been refreshed already by another instance
gotNewARI, newARI, err := cfg.storageHasNewerARI(ctx, cert)
// when we're all done, log if something about the schedule is different
// ("WARN" level because ARI window changing may be a sign of external trouble
// and we want to draw their attention to a potential explanation URL)
defer func() {
changed = !newARI.SameWindow(oldARI)
if changed {
logger.Warn("ARI window or selected renewal time changed",
zap.Time("prev_start", oldARI.SuggestedWindow.Start),
zap.Time("next_start", newARI.SuggestedWindow.Start),
zap.Time("prev_end", oldARI.SuggestedWindow.End),
zap.Time("next_end", newARI.SuggestedWindow.End),
zap.Time("prev_selected_time", oldARI.SelectedTime),
zap.Time("next_selected_time", newARI.SelectedTime),
zap.String("explanation_url", newARI.ExplanationURL))
if err == nil && gotNewARI {
// great, storage has a newer one we can use
updatedCert = cfg.certCache.cache[cert.hash]
updatedCert.ari = newARI
cfg.certCache.cache[cert.hash] = updatedCert
logger.Info("reloaded ARI with newer one in storage",
zap.Timep("next_refresh", newARI.RetryAfter),
zap.Time("renewal_time", newARI.SelectedTime))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error while checking storage for updated ARI; updating ARI now", zap.Error(err))
// of the issuers configured, hopefully one of them is the ACME CA we got the cert from
for _, iss := range cfg.Issuers {
if ariGetter, ok := iss.(RenewalInfoGetter); ok {
newARI, err = ariGetter.GetRenewalInfo(ctx, cert) // be sure to use existing newARI variable so we can compare against old value in the defer
if err != nil {
// could be anything, but a common error might simply be the "wrong" ACME CA
// (meaning, different from the one that issued the cert, thus the only one
// that would have any ARI for it) if multiple ACME CAs are configured
logger.Error("failed updating renewal info from ACME CA",
zap.String("issuer", iss.IssuerKey()),
// when we get the latest ARI, the acme package will select a time within the window
// for us; of course, since it's random, it's likely different from the previously-
// selected time; but if the window doesn't change, there's no need to change the
// selected time (the acme package doesn't know the previous window to know better)
// ... so if the window hasn't changed we'll just put back the selected time
if newARI.SameWindow(oldARI) && !oldARI.SelectedTime.IsZero() {
newARI.SelectedTime = oldARI.SelectedTime
// then store the updated ARI (even if the window didn't change, the Retry-After
// likely did) in cache and storage
// be sure we get the cert from the cache while inside a lock to avoid logical races
updatedCert = cfg.certCache.cache[cert.hash]
updatedCert.ari = newARI
cfg.certCache.cache[cert.hash] = updatedCert
// update the ARI value in storage
var certData acme.Certificate
certData, err = cfg.loadStoredACMECertificateMetadata(ctx, cert)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("got new ARI from %s, but failed loading stored certificate metadata: %v", iss.IssuerKey(), err)
certData.RenewalInfo = &newARI
var certDataBytes, certResBytes []byte
certDataBytes, err = json.Marshal(certData)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("got new ARI from %s, but failed marshaling certificate ACME metadata: %v", iss.IssuerKey(), err)
certResBytes, err = json.MarshalIndent(CertificateResource{
SANs: cert.Names,
IssuerData: certDataBytes,
}, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("got new ARI from %s, but could not re-encode certificate metadata: %v", iss.IssuerKey(), err)
if err = cfg.Storage.Store(ctx, StorageKeys.SiteMeta(cert.issuerKey, cert.Names[0]), certResBytes); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("got new ARI from %s, but could not store it with certificate metadata: %v", iss.IssuerKey(), err)
logger.Info("updated ACME renewal information",
zap.Time("selected_time", newARI.SelectedTime),
zap.Timep("next_update", newARI.RetryAfter),
zap.String("explanation_url", newARI.ExplanationURL))
err = fmt.Errorf("could not fully update ACME renewal info: either no issuer supporting ARI is configured for certificate, or all such failed (make sure the ACME CA that issued the certificate is configured)")
// CleanStorageOptions specifies how to clean up a storage unit.
type CleanStorageOptions struct {
// Optional custom logger.
Logger *zap.Logger
// Optional ID of the instance initiating the cleaning.
InstanceID string
// If set, cleaning will be skipped if it was performed
// more recently than this interval.
Interval time.Duration
// Whether to clean cached OCSP staples.
OCSPStaples bool
// Whether to cleanup expired certificates, and if so,
// how long to let them stay after they've expired.
ExpiredCerts bool
ExpiredCertGracePeriod time.Duration
// CleanStorage removes assets which are no longer useful,
// according to opts.
func CleanStorage(ctx context.Context, storage Storage, opts CleanStorageOptions) error {
const (
lockName = "storage_clean"
storageKey = "last_clean.json"
if opts.Logger == nil {
opts.Logger = defaultLogger.Named("clean_storage")
opts.Logger = opts.Logger.With(zap.Any("storage", storage))
// storage cleaning should be globally exclusive
if err := acquireLock(ctx, storage, lockName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire %s lock: %v", lockName, err)
defer func() {
if err := releaseLock(ctx, storage, lockName); err != nil {
opts.Logger.Error("unable to release lock", zap.Error(err))
// cleaning should not happen more often than the interval
if opts.Interval > 0 {
lastCleanBytes, err := storage.Load(ctx, storageKey)
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading last clean timestamp: %v", err)
var lastClean lastCleanPayload
err = json.Unmarshal(lastCleanBytes, &lastClean)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding last clean data: %v", err)
lastTLSClean := lastClean["tls"]
if time.Since(lastTLSClean.Timestamp) < opts.Interval {
nextTime := time.Now().Add(opts.Interval)
opts.Logger.Info("storage cleaning happened too recently; skipping for now",
zap.String("instance", lastTLSClean.InstanceID),
zap.Time("try_again", nextTime),
zap.Duration("try_again_in", time.Until(nextTime)),
return nil
opts.Logger.Info("cleaning storage unit")
if opts.OCSPStaples {
err := deleteOldOCSPStaples(ctx, storage, opts.Logger)
if err != nil {
opts.Logger.Error("deleting old OCSP staples", zap.Error(err))
if opts.ExpiredCerts {
err := deleteExpiredCerts(ctx, storage, opts.Logger, opts.ExpiredCertGracePeriod)
if err != nil {
opts.Logger.Error("deleting expired certificates staples", zap.Error(err))
// TODO: delete stale locks?
// update the last-clean time
lastCleanBytes, err := json.Marshal(lastCleanPayload{
"tls": lastCleaned{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
InstanceID: opts.InstanceID,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encoding last cleaned info: %v", err)
if err := storage.Store(ctx, storageKey, lastCleanBytes); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("storing last clean info: %v", err)
return nil
type lastCleanPayload map[string]lastCleaned
type lastCleaned struct {
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
InstanceID string `json:"instance_id,omitempty"`
func deleteOldOCSPStaples(ctx context.Context, storage Storage, logger *zap.Logger) error {
ocspKeys, err := storage.List(ctx, prefixOCSP, false)
if err != nil {
// maybe just hasn't been created yet; no big deal
return nil
for _, key := range ocspKeys {
// if context was cancelled, quit early; otherwise proceed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
ocspBytes, err := storage.Load(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("while deleting old OCSP staples, unable to load staple file", zap.Error(err))
resp, err := ocsp.ParseResponse(ocspBytes, nil)
if err != nil {
// contents are invalid; delete it
err = storage.Delete(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("purging corrupt staple file", zap.String("storage_key", key), zap.Error(err))
if time.Now().After(resp.NextUpdate) {
// response has expired; delete it
err = storage.Delete(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("purging expired staple file", zap.String("storage_key", key), zap.Error(err))
return nil
func deleteExpiredCerts(ctx context.Context, storage Storage, logger *zap.Logger, gracePeriod time.Duration) error {
issuerKeys, err := storage.List(ctx, prefixCerts, false)
if err != nil {
// maybe just hasn't been created yet; no big deal
return nil
for _, issuerKey := range issuerKeys {
siteKeys, err := storage.List(ctx, issuerKey, false)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("listing contents", zap.String("issuer_key", issuerKey), zap.Error(err))
for _, siteKey := range siteKeys {
// if context was cancelled, quit early; otherwise proceed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
siteAssets, err := storage.List(ctx, siteKey, false)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("listing site contents", zap.String("site_key", siteKey), zap.Error(err))
for _, assetKey := range siteAssets {
if path.Ext(assetKey) != ".crt" {
certFile, err := storage.Load(ctx, assetKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading certificate file %s: %v", assetKey, err)
block, _ := pem.Decode(certFile)
if block == nil || block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate file %s does not contain PEM-encoded certificate", assetKey)
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate file %s is malformed; error parsing PEM: %v", assetKey, err)
if expiredTime := time.Since(expiresAt(cert)); expiredTime >= gracePeriod {
logger.Info("certificate expired beyond grace period; cleaning up",
zap.String("asset_key", assetKey),
zap.Duration("expired_for", expiredTime),
zap.Duration("grace_period", gracePeriod))
baseName := strings.TrimSuffix(assetKey, ".crt")
for _, relatedAsset := range []string{
baseName + ".key",
baseName + ".json",
} {
logger.Info("deleting asset because resource expired", zap.String("asset_key", relatedAsset))
err := storage.Delete(ctx, relatedAsset)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("could not clean up asset related to expired certificate",
zap.String("base_name", baseName),
zap.String("related_asset", relatedAsset),
// update listing; if folder is empty, delete it
siteAssets, err = storage.List(ctx, siteKey, false)
if err != nil {
if len(siteAssets) == 0 {
logger.Info("deleting site folder because key is empty", zap.String("site_key", siteKey))
err := storage.Delete(ctx, siteKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting empty site folder %s: %v", siteKey, err)
return nil
// forceRenew forcefully renews cert and replaces it in the cache, and returns the new certificate. It is intended
// for use primarily in the case of cert revocation. This MUST NOT be called within a lock on cfg.certCacheMu.
func (cfg *Config) forceRenew(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, cert Certificate) (Certificate, error) {
if cert.ocsp != nil && cert.ocsp.Status == ocsp.Revoked {
logger.Warn("OCSP status for managed certificate is REVOKED; attempting to replace with new certificate",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.Time("expiration", expiresAt(cert.Leaf)))
} else {
logger.Warn("forcefully renewing certificate",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.Time("expiration", expiresAt(cert.Leaf)))
renewName := cert.Names[0]
// if revoked for key compromise, we can't be sure whether the storage of
// the key is still safe; however, we KNOW the old key is not safe, and we
// can only hope by the time of revocation that storage has been secured;
// key management is not something we want to get into, but in this case
// it seems prudent to replace the key - and since renewal requires reuse
// of a prior key, we can't do a "renew" to replace the cert if we need a
// new key, so we'll have to do an obtain instead
var obtainInsteadOfRenew bool
if cert.ocsp != nil && cert.ocsp.RevocationReason == acme.ReasonKeyCompromise {
err := cfg.moveCompromisedPrivateKey(ctx, cert, logger)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("could not remove compromised private key from use",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.String("issuer", cert.issuerKey),
obtainInsteadOfRenew = true
var err error
if obtainInsteadOfRenew {
err = cfg.ObtainCertAsync(ctx, renewName)
} else {
// notice that we force renewal; otherwise, it might see that the
// certificate isn't close to expiring and return, but we really
// need a replacement certificate! see issue #4191
err = cfg.RenewCertAsync(ctx, renewName, true)
if err != nil {
if cert.ocsp != nil && cert.ocsp.Status == ocsp.Revoked {
// probably better to not serve a revoked certificate at all
logger.Error("unable to obtain new to certificate after OCSP status of REVOKED; removing from cache",
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
return cert, fmt.Errorf("unable to forcefully get new certificate for %v: %w", cert.Names, err)
return cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(ctx, cert)
// moveCompromisedPrivateKey moves the private key for cert to a ".compromised" file
// by copying the data to the new file, then deleting the old one.
func (cfg *Config) moveCompromisedPrivateKey(ctx context.Context, cert Certificate, logger *zap.Logger) error {
privKeyStorageKey := StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(cert.issuerKey, cert.Names[0])
privKeyPEM, err := cfg.Storage.Load(ctx, privKeyStorageKey)
if err != nil {
return err
compromisedPrivKeyStorageKey := privKeyStorageKey + ".compromised"
err = cfg.Storage.Store(ctx, compromisedPrivKeyStorageKey, privKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
// better safe than sorry: as a last resort, try deleting the key so it won't be reused
cfg.Storage.Delete(ctx, privKeyStorageKey)
return err
err = cfg.Storage.Delete(ctx, privKeyStorageKey)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("removed certificate's compromised private key from use",
zap.String("storage_path", compromisedPrivKeyStorageKey),
zap.Strings("identifiers", cert.Names),
zap.String("issuer", cert.issuerKey))
return nil
// certShouldBeForceRenewed returns true if cert should be forcefully renewed
// (like if it is revoked according to its OCSP response).
func certShouldBeForceRenewed(cert Certificate) bool {
return cert.managed &&
len(cert.Names) > 0 &&
cert.ocsp != nil &&
cert.ocsp.Status == ocsp.Revoked
type certList []Certificate
// insert appends cert to the list if it is not already in the list.
// Efficiency: O(n)
func (certs *certList) insert(cert Certificate) {
for _, c := range *certs {
if c.hash == cert.hash {
*certs = append(*certs, cert)
const (
// DefaultRenewCheckInterval is how often to check certificates for expiration.
// Scans are very lightweight, so this can be semi-frequent. This default should
// be smaller than <Minimum Cert Lifetime>*DefaultRenewalWindowRatio/3, which
// gives certificates plenty of chance to be renewed on time.
DefaultRenewCheckInterval = 10 * time.Minute
// DefaultRenewalWindowRatio is how much of a certificate's lifetime becomes the
// renewal window. The renewal window is the span of time at the end of the
// certificate's validity period in which it should be renewed. A default value
// of ~1/3 is pretty safe and recommended for most certificates.
DefaultRenewalWindowRatio = 1.0 / 3.0
// DefaultOCSPCheckInterval is how often to check if OCSP stapling needs updating.
DefaultOCSPCheckInterval = 1 * time.Hour